The Rest Revolution has been in the world for a full month! 🎉
What a timely read as we settle into the winter season and our bodies naturally lean towards rest.
Most living beings are naturally meant to slow down after the tremendous energy expenditures of spring, summer, and autumn. But high achievers often attempt to stay in perpetual 'blooming' instead of embracing the critical season of winter.
I call this phenomenon "repeatedly skipping winter."
Here’s an excerpt from The Rest Revolution - Chapter Four Repeatedly Skipping Winter:
One of the ways machine mindset keeps us misaligned is via the practice of 'repeatedly skipping winter'. This refers to the act of not taking periodic breaks and getting rest after regular periods of working.
Whereas overworking on autopilot refers to ignoring one’s human needs in the face of grief or personal crisis, repeatedly skipping winter refers to the act of opting out of the standard rest one needs from periods of regular work – crisis or not.
Repeatedly skipping winter is characterized by four key beliefs:
1) I always have to be “on” even when I don’t feel my best. I can’t afford to take my foot off the gas or else I’ll be passed over.
2) Access to technology means I have to show that I am being productive.
3) Blooming – aka visible work – matters more than invisible work that is happening underground. I can’t afford to be invisible.
4) I don’t have to make time to reflect, plan, and strategize for my future. Winter is not a sexy season, but it is essential.
The work of winter is quiet and private, but sets up the other seasons.
Have you been skipping winter? Which of these four beliefs do you need to release?