In chapter 8 of The Rest Revolution, I introduce my executive coaching philosophy - PURPOSESCAPING.
An Excerpt from The Rest Revolution:
In 2017, when I came up with the name Purposescaping to describe the way forward for coaching clients who had reached a career impasse and wanted to find their way to more fulfilling work, I kept going back to Carver’s ideas about rotation and restoration. I’d observed a seasonal and cyclical nature in how my clients were seeking purpose, finding fulfillment, and renewing their drive to succeed. The removal, replacement, and rotation core of Carver’s solution emerged again and again as a metaphor for my work.
Purposescaping, I thought, is how we can apply some of George Washington Carver’s methods for restoration to human beings. It is a process for bringing people into alignment with a focus on energy- generating activities and energy-generating relationships to restore individuals depleted from burnout.
Carver’s organic, conservation-minded approach offered clear solutions to the crisis of depleted soil at a crucial moment in our country’s history. It is my opinion that his work is not yet done because it offers a roadmap for how we – worn down by overworking and ravaged by burnout – can potentially restore our depleted selves.
Through PURPOSESCAPING, we can use seasonal metaphors to establish a sustainable rhythm in both our personal and professional lives.
PURPOSESCAPING helps you see your patterns and see where you’ve not made room for the work of all four seasons or for the particular season that you’re in. Each season has specific work that you should be doing, specific threats you should be looking out for, specific opportunities you can take advantage of, as well as specific actions to avoid. Nature teaches us that no season is wasted — they are all essential.
Are you ready to go on your own PURPOSESCAPING journey?
Introduction to PURPOSESCAPING - Clear a Path to Your Purpose Mini Course
We all have a different recipe that allows us to grow and thrive. A part of PURPOSESCAPING - just like landscaping - is getting clear on what growing conditions YOU specifically need to be your best.
How can you understand your own optimal growing criteria?
This mini-course and introduction to PURPOSESCAPING will guide you through a self-discovery framework to help you understand your lifelong seasonal cycles, determine your ideal growing environment, and prepare your ground for growth.